Monday, 20 December 2010

Get right or get left

For the time being, I'm gonna try write a few of my thoughts in the morning.

Anyway here goes...
I did a bit of reading this morning. You know when you wake up super early and cant get back to sleep. (poor lyrics) its the worst feeling every because you know by midday you'll  feel  super tired and shit. Oh well i'll deal with that later. So with this early reading I took the time to look at other blogs and to come up with some new years resolutions that I will probably not follow. Two things I've learned this morning. Blogging is actually a skill, there are good blogs and really really crap ones (poor lyrics) lol. The other thing is new years resolutions are pathetic promises one gives it self without any belief that one will follow or keep it to the end of the year. Most people can't even remember what their one was at the beginning of this year. To break this trend my new years resolution is to not have any. That way, I won't break it before the end of January.
I need to stop Promising myself the same thing, year after year. "Get right or Get left." I've decided that 2011 will be the year where I stop desiring and start getting.Of course, there might be a few hiccups along the way and realistically the year won't be perfect but I will get right rather then get left behind...

Off to work now. Got to make like a tree and leave (poor :S lol) I'm actually liking this blogging thing. I should have done this along time.

Adios friends x 

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